Winter Solstice

It is the winter solstice, the sun standing still in the sky before turning the tides of darkness and letting the light lap once again on day's shore. The sun slumbers so late these days that at 9:00 am this morning I was walking upon the dawn, the mountains crested in a salmon glow and the pooled road of light looked as though it led straight into the sun. As I walk such, I can see how the ancients would celebrate the return of the light, the return of the sun, for in each footstep there is a joyful reveling within me. I cannot help but be held captive by the visceral response to the sunrise each and every day. It never becomes tired or old, the very cells of my body wanting deeply to sing with the morning chorus each day. 

There seems to be a touch of poignant timing to have released "Wings in Flight" (the single) on the darkest night. It is a song of the morning chorus, of the joy of greeting the new day, of hope. Seems appropriate to have it release on the darkest night ready to greet the reborn sun. It is available on itunes. 
Wings in Flight - Single - Cindy O'Neil & Sora

The holidays are upon us. This autumn has been so busy I feel guilty if I am not "doing" something. But today, as I walked into the sun, I felt that maybe it's OK just to rest and feel the earth turning for a little bit.

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